Saturday, 16 December 2017

C# Version History

C# feature & Update version by version

C# List features

C# 1.0

Microsoft released the first version of C# with Visual Studio 2002. Use of Managed Code was introduced with this version. C# 1.0 was the first language that developer adopted to build .NET applications.

C# 2.0

Microsoft released the second version of C# language with Visual Studio 2005. C# 2.0 has introduced few new features in this edition which helped the developers to code their applications in more generic way. Here are the new features that were introduced with C# 2.0:
  1. Generics
  2. Anonymous Methods
  3. Nullable Type
  4. Partial Class
  5. Covariance and Contravariance

C# 3.0

Visual Studio 2008 came with C# version 3.0 and it has a bunch of new features. It was the life-changing the language for Microsoft platform developers to build their applications. Till now, many developers are still using this version to build their apps. The new features that came with C# 3.0 were:
  1. Lambda Expression
  2. Extension Methods
  3. Expression Trees
  4. Anonymous Types
  5. LINQ
  6. Implicit Type (var)

C# 4.0

Though C# 4.0 was released with Visual Studio 2010 with .NET Framework 4, very few developers use its new features till date. Here is a list of new features of C# that came with this version:
  1. Late Binding
  2. Named Arguments
  3. Optional Parameters
  4. More COM Support

C# 5.0

Visual Studio 2012 came up with C# 5.0 and it was made available to the audience in the year 2012. In C# version 5.0, there are two key features:
  1. Async Programming
  2. Caller Information

C# 6.0

The C# 6.0 release contained many features that improve productivity for developers.  Some of the features in this release were:
  1. Read-only Auto-properties
  2. String Interpolation
  3. await in catch and finally blocks
  4. index initializers
  5. Null- conditional operators

C# 7.0

C# 7.0 is the current version (at the time of writing this article) which adds a number of new features to the C# language:
  1. Pattern Matching
  2. out variables
  3. throw Expressions
  4. Tuples
  5. ref locals & returns and few more…

C# 7.1

C# 7.1 is the new version (at the time of updating this article) which again adds a couple of new features to the C# language:
  1. Asynchronous Main – Main could be void or int and contain arguments as a string array.
  2. Default Literal – Visual Basic and C# have similar features, but there are certain differences in the languages, i.e. C# has null, while VB.NET has Nothing.
That’s all as per this post is concerned. We will update this list as soon as new version is out in the market.
C# version history in tabular format for quick view:
VersionDate.NET FrameworkVisual Studio
C# 1.0Jan-02.NET Framework 1.0Visual Studio .NET 2002
C# 1.1/1.2Apr-03.NET Framework 1.1Visual Studio .NET 2003
C# 2.0Nov-05.NET Framework 2.0Visual Studio .NET 2005
C# 3.0Nov-07.NET Framework 2.0 (Except LINQ),.NET Framework 3.0 (Except LINQ),
.NET Framework 3.5
Visual Studio .NET 2008,Visual Studio .NET 2010
C# 4.0Apr-10.NET Framework 4.0Visual Studio .NET 2010
C# 5.0Aug-12.NET Framework 4.5Visual Studio .NET 2012/2013
C# 6.0Jul-15.NET Framework 4.6Visual Studio .NET 2015
C# 7.0Mar-17.NET Framework 4.6.2Visual Studio .NET 2017

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